Africa Area – Training

E.J. van As
Africa Area Training Director
I am a South African who has served in YFC for 24 years. We (I am married to Koekoes and we both serve in YFC in different capacities.) started with YFC in Angola. Then became the team trainers for YFC Namibia. In 2002 we started YFC Botswana and served 16 years in Botswana. I became Regional Director for Southern Africa (10 nations) in 2008. In 2013 I became the Training Director for Africa. In 2017 I became the Deputy Area Director for Africa. I still serve as the Training Director. My passion is to see the staff of YFC being equipped to reach young people effectively in Africa.
Africa Area Training
We want to see a standard for all staff in training. Currently we offer training for Entry Level Staff and National Directors before they are excepted in the position. In YFC Africa we have a system of conferences in the regions called Competency Development Conferences (CDC) where all staff have the opportunity to attend a practical training on various subjects that can help them in their ministry.
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